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Like so many people in Europe and around the world, the news and images from Ukraine are leaving us here at Keys.Express no peace. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) is talking about an unprecedented escape movement. Some migration researchers even assume ten million refugees from Ukraine, which could drive it to neighboring countries.
A war leads to many injustices. There are many problems that need to be addressed as soon as possible. Therefore, we would like to support the people in war-torn Ukraine in the current crisis situation. We have decided to start a matching campaign for this purpose.
For any purchase with a voucher amount of your choice, we will give the donation amount doubled to the "Glückskette (Swiss Solidarity)" (your donation from Switzerland) and the "German Red Cross" (your donation from the rest of the world) to help Ukraine.
The German Red Cross (DRK) provides comprehensive relief measures for the population in Ukraine as well as for the refugees in order to care for people in need and to protect lives. With an emergency aid project, the DRK is providing flexible support in order to be able to expand existing projects as quickly as possible in line with the needs on the ground and to implement further measures to support the Ukrainian population.
Swiss Solidarity is currently focusing on supporting refugees in the neighboring countries of Poland, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary. Hot meals, hygiene articles, emergency medical aid and emergency shelters are financed with the donations. Whereby the situation is monitored and the support is continuously adapted to changing humanitarian needs. Relief projects within Ukraine will be expanded as the security situation permits.
The current donation amount is published daily on our homepage and the matching campaign runs until March 31, 2022.
We double the amount donated for needy in Ukraine for every purchase with a voucher amount of your choice!
You may use this EUR 5 voucher code: A6H3K21T7
So, if you redeem your EUR 5 voucher here, we will donate EUR 10 to Glückskette (Swiss Solidarity) / The German Red Cross. The same applies to all higher donation amounts.
We hope to be able to move something for the better together with you. The Keys.Express team thanks you very much for your solidarity!